
工作时间:周一至周五 9am to 5pm


钢筋网喷射混凝土需要架设钢筋网,在隧洞洞顶固定钢筋网不仅费时费钱,而且相当危险。 钢钎维喷射混凝土能随岩石开挖的实际轮廓喷射支护,而钢筋网喷射混凝土在填满钢筋网之后的凹陷区后还要满足30-50mm的喷射覆盖厚度。


从总的工程费用比较,钢钎维喷射混凝土比钢筋网喷射混凝土费用要降低 50%-60%。大大的节省了工期,提高施工效率。


        Steel mesh shotcrete requires the erection of steel mesh. Fixing the steel mesh on the roof of the tunnel is not only time consuming and expensive, but also quite dangerous. Steel mesh shotcrete can spray and support along with the actual contour of rock excavation, and the steel mesh shotcrete also needs to meet the spray coverage thickness of 30-50mm after filling the recessed area after the steel mesh is filled.

        For shotcrete with steel mesh, if the shotcrete technology is not appropriate, it is difficult to fill the rock depression and loose area behind the steel mesh. As the concrete is not well combined with the rock, it will be destroyed soon and the steel mesh will be corroded soon.

       Compared with the total project cost, the cost of steel brazed sprayed concrete is 50%-60% lower than that of steel mesh sprayed concrete, which greatly saves the construction period and improves the construction efficiency.

       For example, on the rock surface with developed fissures, the use of steel mesh shotcrete often consumes 40% more concrete than that of steel brazed shotcrete.