
工作时间:周一至周五 9am to 5pm

购买咨询 Purchase Consultation


If you are interested in Berpais products, please negotiate with us

手机联系 Mobile phone:+8613040699845 

服务热线Customer service:400-057-8640

电子邮箱 E-mail:berpais@berpais.cn   

工作时间 Working hours:周一至周五 9am to 5pm  

技术咨询  Technical advice


If you encounter any problems while using Berpais products, please contact the technical department

手机联系 Mobile phone:+8615356834675  

服务热线Customer service:400-057-8640

电子邮箱 E-mail :zhaohai.wang@berpais.cn  

工作时间 Working hours:周一至周五 9am to 5pm  

经销商计划 Dealer Program

我们很高兴您有兴趣成为 Berpais 经销商!这里将帮助您了解该计划以及评估该计划是否适合您的企业。

We are glad that you are interested in becoming a Berpais distributor! This will help you understand the plan and evaluate its suitability for your business.

手机联系 Mobile phone:+8615356834675   

服务热线Customer service:400-057-8640  

电子邮箱 E-mail:berpais@berpais.cn  

工作时间 Working hours:周一至周五 9am to 5pm  

质量保证体系  Quality assurance system

我们很高兴您选择 Berpais 产品!如果您在使用过程中对产品质量及货物真伪有任何疑问请随时联系我们,我们将竭诚为您服务。

We are glad that you have chosen Berpais product! If you have any questions about the quality of the product or the authenticity of the goods during use, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to serve you.

服务热线Customer service:400-057-8640

电子邮箱 E-mail:pm@berpais.cn  

工作时间 Working hours:周一至周五 9am to 5pm  
